Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Update: Senior Lauren Costello!

Helllo alll!

Hope everyone’s summer is going great… we’ve been having a lot of fun at the ork. Mostly working like a slave at Charley’s, working out and hanging out. Can’t get over that it is already mid July… upsetting. Hope everyone had a great 4th! Mine unfortunately was uneventful as I was stuck at Charley’s for the day. On a more fun note, just got back from a very exhausting but extremely fun weekend roadtrip with Mary, Maura, Mon and Luls. We drove all over the country putting nearly 1,000 miles on Mary’s hot ride (literally HOT, has no AC) that mon nicknamed the Marlin. Our first stop was the ‘Cuse to celebrate Deblois’ birthday. Next we went down to strong island to celebrate queen B’s 21st (and got to see Jamo.. great bonus to the trip) .

We have also been getting into yoga to avoid stretch club in the fall. We’re not that great as Sue Mary and I are usually the ones falling over and/or out of every pose. But we found out a secret talent of Caroline’s… she is an undercover human pretzel. We did a class with her at the plex and she was in the bind the entire time (google it).. extremely impressive!

I heard camp was fun, freshmen I am the one that stopped by in my sexy business outfit (I am actually on the team not just the director of operations I swear). It was so good to see everyone even though it was only for a short time… made me realize how much I miss everyone!! Other than that my summer has been a lot of fun! Freshmen I’m so pumped to meet you all in September! Get excited… going to be such a fun year! Hope everyone is loving summer and can’t wait to see everyone in Sept!

love you allll,