Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Update! Junior Jamo!

Jamo here, from the 2-0-1 

Why hello everyone, this is Jamo checking in from the dirt jerz! Nothing really exciting going on in my life besides your typical Chris McComb workout : ), eating, sleeping, and hanging out with my family and friends. I miss all you guys so much but don’t you worry me and Liz tend to see each other everyday. So we have plenty of time to reminisce on all the good stuff, so I have forgotten anyone quite yet.  Obviously I have been trying to work on the tan, but jeez this weather isn’t helping too much. Actually my sisters new motto is: "If you cant tone it, tan it." But we will be having the best of both worlds with our fabulous workouts and the sun in the following months I hope !!!! June 20th I head off  to the West Hampton for the rest of the break which will be a nice get away!!


My new thing this summer has been learning how to cook from my mom.  So far we have made any and every kind of chicken you can imagine, turkey chili, oreo cake and next week were going to make our own pizza!! And I mean homemade, not dominos, I can’t imagine anyone really likes that stuff anyway……mhmmm ya. Well maybe we can find something new to bring to tailgates next fall/spring! 

And oh ya!! Welcome freshman I got to see a few familiar faces at the National tournament which was great. Stalked a few of you girls playing your games, looking pretty good If I do say so myself! Well that’s about it, everyone I have talked to is working hard and having a fun summer so far, so that’s great to hear!! Miss you all and see a bunch of you soon I hope! 

Love Jamo