Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Update! Senior Peyton Killeen!

I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I have been relaxing at home at the beach and avoiding traffic. My mother has also enjoyed having me and my sister home mostly because she has had a list of chores for us to do everyday haha! I went to my older sister’s graduation, which made me depressed because it really sunk in that I have one year left of college.which means I have high hopes for this season!! WOOHOO! I’m anxiously awaiting the workout packet as I know everyone else is! I have been in contact with my group Hannah, Sophia, Caroline(Barclay) and Brittany. We are all working on our tans, so wish us luck. On another note, if any of you want to come down to the beach and enjoy a weekend of sun and lax we are getting together a team for the Ocean City Classic Tournament...COME ONE COME ALL! I know everyone is really excited about this upcoming year, its going to be awesome! Especially incoming freshman I can’t stress how excited everyone on the team is to have you! Enjoy your summer, work hard and keep in touch!