Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Roast to the 2009 Seniors

Most People know this year’s senior class of 8 as…..

  • First to go all 4 years in the ACC

  • Have two players make the all ACC team

  • Beat 2 ACC team

  • Rank #4 in the ACCs

  • Have two players score in every game last year

  • And MOST of all for their strong leadership!

But the other 18 of us know them as…..
  • Neil- our war veteran who also goes under cover as STREGA and can be seen bouncing around the lax field eating up groundballs

  • DJ-aka Mons is the wiz kid….sorry boys she is taken. Facebook Status: In A Relationship

  • Sir- can be heard singing a familiar vanilla ice tune or practicing to become a ballerina
  • Luls-still doesn’t know what a “beamer” is and has been residing on cloud 9 for the past four years

  • Mauz-don’t let her long eyelashes and big booty fool you underneath it all there is still a young girl petrified of runs tests and will do anything (even pee her pants) to get out of running
  • Sweats-the tannest girl on the field and known for sending subliminal messages
  • J-don’t be fooled by her blonde hair she has been known to dye it orange and black and be one mean skateboarder.
  • Emmer-her secret love affair with “B” we are glad to say has reached a new level….he has agreed to accompany her to the senior ball!

We love all 8 of them dearly and will miss them! They have provided us with not only a lot of laughs and memories but have truly made our lives at BC incomparable.

The Underclassmen