Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Roast to the 2009 Seniors

Most People know this year’s senior class of 8 as…..

  • First to go all 4 years in the ACC

  • Have two players make the all ACC team

  • Beat 2 ACC team

  • Rank #4 in the ACCs

  • Have two players score in every game last year

  • And MOST of all for their strong leadership!

But the other 18 of us know them as…..
  • Neil- our war veteran who also goes under cover as STREGA and can be seen bouncing around the lax field eating up groundballs

  • DJ-aka Mons is the wiz kid….sorry boys she is taken. Facebook Status: In A Relationship

  • Sir- can be heard singing a familiar vanilla ice tune or practicing to become a ballerina
  • Luls-still doesn’t know what a “beamer” is and has been residing on cloud 9 for the past four years

  • Mauz-don’t let her long eyelashes and big booty fool you underneath it all there is still a young girl petrified of runs tests and will do anything (even pee her pants) to get out of running
  • Sweats-the tannest girl on the field and known for sending subliminal messages
  • J-don’t be fooled by her blonde hair she has been known to dye it orange and black and be one mean skateboarder.
  • Emmer-her secret love affair with “B” we are glad to say has reached a new level….he has agreed to accompany her to the senior ball!

We love all 8 of them dearly and will miss them! They have provided us with not only a lot of laughs and memories but have truly made our lives at BC incomparable.

The Underclassmen

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Greetings from the Captains!

Wow what a week we've had! We have been working EXTREMELY hard at practice this week to get ready to kick some butt on Saturday. Though we have been pushed to the limits this week we still have the creative juices running in our brain. Therefore, we have created an acrostic poem...

B-Because we love running
L-Lax is Life
A-And you thought we couldn't write a poem
X-X-tra sessions is what makes us LEGENDARY. Can't wait for Saturday!!!!!

The Captains

Friday, April 3, 2009


Your Eagles will finally be playing at home...for 3 games in a row...and, things get kicked off tomorrow when BC takes on #9 Virginia at 1:00pm! We hope you will be there to cheer us on and continue to show your support in the weeks ahead. Three big home games & lots to be excited about!

SATURDAY, April 4th v. Virginia 1:00pm
WEDNESDAY, April 8th v. BU 4:00pm - POWER in PINK
SATURDAY, April 11th v. Duke 1:00pm - Alumnae Day