Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday Happenings: Peyton Killeen

A holiday perspective from junior, Peyton Killeen:

Hey Everyone!
I hope you all had a great and relaxing winter break! I know I have had a wonderful time at home with family and friends. I’m anxious to get back to school and reunite with everyone and start the season we have all been working so hard for! As a junior I feel that the pieces of our team have finally fallen into place and that this is going to be a great season for us!

For Christmas and New Years my family and I went to the mountains of Virginia where we have been going my whole life. My older sister just arrived back from Australia so I was a bit jealous of her tan, but then I reminded myself that we are going to Palm Beach for spring break and hopefully my Irish skin will absorb some sort of sunlight…We will see…another thing to look forward to for the 2009 season!

Anyways I know everyone has been keeping in good touch and it sounds like we are all ready for the season ahead. We have another addition to our team, McClain! What a lucky girl to have her first BC lacrosse tailgate at such a young age! Haha!
See everyone soon and enjoy your last couple days of break!
