Wednesday, January 14, 2009

McClaine Ellen Martin: BC's Newest Eagle!


We are pleased and excited to announce that Bowen has given birth to a beautiful baby girl, McClaine Ellen Martin who was born on January 4, 2009 weighing in at a very healthy 8 lbs. 11 oz. She was a stubborn little one, coming two weeks late, but the BC family is so thrilled to add a mini-eagle to the roster.

Baby and mom are doing great. And its no suprise that Bowen is already itching to get back to work!

Today is our first team meeting and we begin testing this week. We are looking forward to getting straight to work where we can begin preparing for our season openener on February 21st!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holiday Happenings - Lauren Costello

Junior, Lauren Costello, was recently in Australia, where she had the opportunity to play lacrosse and experience 'down under'.

"G'day mates! Greetings from down under! I'm currently in Australia and unfortunately I am leaving this great place in two days. I came as part of a US program that plays lacrosse and travels around both Sydney and Melbourne for about two weeks playing games and exploring these great cities. The team is made up of 13 girls from various colleges and divisions in the US. We arrived in Sydney on New Years Eve-said to be even bigger than Times Square. It was absolutely crazy with so many people all packed into one street. There was an amazing fireworks display right off the bridge with the Sydney Opera House in the background which was truly amazing. The first day we went to Bondi beach and saw Paris Hilton! The next day we headed over to manly beach, ate fish and chips, and ended the day touring the Sydney Opera House. I also was able to see the Blue Mountains which are known for their caves, mining and amazing scenery. Today we went to feed and pet kangaroos and koala's, toured one of Australia's famous winery's and ended the day joining a local sailing club participating in their weekly sailing races! Tomorrow we are off for surfing and kayaking in Apollo bay.

The lacrosse has been an amazing experience as well! We played five games, win total including two Australian state teams and a team from New Zealand. We ended up winning the championship game beating Team Victoria on Tuesday night (the first time the US has won this tournament!). The games were great, but the experience of it all was even greater. Although I'm so sad to leave the beach weather, I can't wait to get back and start off the season with everyone...Cheers mates!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday Happenings: Peyton Killeen

A holiday perspective from junior, Peyton Killeen:

Hey Everyone!
I hope you all had a great and relaxing winter break! I know I have had a wonderful time at home with family and friends. I’m anxious to get back to school and reunite with everyone and start the season we have all been working so hard for! As a junior I feel that the pieces of our team have finally fallen into place and that this is going to be a great season for us!

For Christmas and New Years my family and I went to the mountains of Virginia where we have been going my whole life. My older sister just arrived back from Australia so I was a bit jealous of her tan, but then I reminded myself that we are going to Palm Beach for spring break and hopefully my Irish skin will absorb some sort of sunlight…We will see…another thing to look forward to for the 2009 season!

Anyways I know everyone has been keeping in good touch and it sounds like we are all ready for the season ahead. We have another addition to our team, McClain! What a lucky girl to have her first BC lacrosse tailgate at such a young age! Haha!
See everyone soon and enjoy your last couple days of break!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Road Trippin' to Nashville

Senior Captain, Maura Mahoney, gives us a detailed account of her trip down to Nashville to watch the Eagles take on Vanderbilt in the Music City Bowl. Unfortunatly, BC fell to the Commodors, but Maura and fellow classmates Katie Deblois, Lauren Fitzpatrick, Emily Hannigan, Margot Spatola and Rachel Tinquist still managed to have a very memorable trip!
"Sooo Nashville was amazing we all had legitimately the best time. I'm not sure what to write for the blog but i'll just give you the rundown/highlights of what we did and hopefully that will be good enough.

Upon arriving in Nashville, we all piled into a cab and made our way to the hotel. When we got there, we checked into our 1 star hotel and got ready to check out downtown Nashville. We ate dinner and then walked up and down 2nd Ave. aka the best street in America. There was a "Battle of the Bands" going on where they had the Vandy marching band and the Screaming Eagles marching band playing their fight songs while marching towards each other down 2nd ave. It was fun being the minority and hearing the Vandy fans telling you how awful BC was. After the battle of the bands we went to do karokee where Emily and I did our best rendition of 'Heartbreaker' by Mariah Carey and Jay-Z... our mic's were shut off.

The next morning we decided to try out the local cuisine and headed to a local diner. Not only did they use half a stick of butter per breakfast but the wait staff greated us saying "Hey babies, what can I get y'all?" It was awesome. After our breakfast we went back to the hotel and got dressed in our BC attire. We walked to the stadium (it was half mile away) and tailgated with some other BC fans. Though we sat front row, it was absolutely freezing at the game. BC lost but we were still excited for new years so we didn't let the loss or the temperature ruin our new years eve. After self-proclaiming ourselves the IT girls of Nashville, we rang in the New Year on 2nd Ave. It was so fun. Overall, the Nashville trip was a major success, and we can not stop talking about it. It was a perfect way to get together before heading back to school and starting our final season together as seniors -minus Monaghan and Jenna :(...

And that's the trip."