Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Happenings: Hannah Alley

A Holiday perspective from sophomore, Hannah Alley:

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing great and having a wonderful holiday season. So far my break has been very relaxing and refreshing. I came home to a winter wonderland in Chicago! There was at least a foot and a half of snow and it has been at least zero degrees there everyday! With that kind of weather my workouts were limited to the ever thrilling court-runs! I was very excited about heading to Florida for Christmas! While I have been here I have been laying on the beach, passing around the lacrosse ball with my sisters, swimming in the pool and golfing. Oh and having a field to run on was also much more enjoyable. My daddy longlegs like much better to stride out on the 100's than to be confined to a gym! Christmas was wonderful, and now we are getting ready to celebrate my Dad's birthday tomorrow!

I have to say that I am very disappointed my Chicago bears lost today and did not make the playoffs but I know I still have hope in the EAGLES football team!! I can't wait to watch them play, and I am so jealous of some of you seniors that are going!

Well, after watching the movie Miracle last night, I have to say that it got me that much more pumped for us to have "our time" this 2009 season! With this tough workout packet, our team's work ethic and leadership, as well as, the support and guidance of our coaches, I know we are going to surprise the nation just like the USA surprised the Russians! Sorry this is so cheesy but I am just so excited!! Miss you all so much! Have a great rest of break and a Happy New Year!
