Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Happenings: Hannah Alley

A Holiday perspective from sophomore, Hannah Alley:

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing great and having a wonderful holiday season. So far my break has been very relaxing and refreshing. I came home to a winter wonderland in Chicago! There was at least a foot and a half of snow and it has been at least zero degrees there everyday! With that kind of weather my workouts were limited to the ever thrilling court-runs! I was very excited about heading to Florida for Christmas! While I have been here I have been laying on the beach, passing around the lacrosse ball with my sisters, swimming in the pool and golfing. Oh and having a field to run on was also much more enjoyable. My daddy longlegs like much better to stride out on the 100's than to be confined to a gym! Christmas was wonderful, and now we are getting ready to celebrate my Dad's birthday tomorrow!

I have to say that I am very disappointed my Chicago bears lost today and did not make the playoffs but I know I still have hope in the EAGLES football team!! I can't wait to watch them play, and I am so jealous of some of you seniors that are going!

Well, after watching the movie Miracle last night, I have to say that it got me that much more pumped for us to have "our time" this 2009 season! With this tough workout packet, our team's work ethic and leadership, as well as, the support and guidance of our coaches, I know we are going to surprise the nation just like the USA surprised the Russians! Sorry this is so cheesy but I am just so excited!! Miss you all so much! Have a great rest of break and a Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Day of Festivities

Your Eagles continued a three-year tradition by decorating holiday cookies with the children at Franciscan Hospital on Friday.  This has become one of the most memorable days of the year for the team AND for the children.  It is a reminder for all of us about what truly matters in life, and certainly is a day that puts wins and losses, tough conditioning runs, hard lifts, difficult exams etc. into perspective.  There is nothing more powerful than seeing the faces of these children light up when we arrive and spend a couple hours of our day giving back.  There is no question all of our faces light up as well - these children truly have an amazing impact on us all!

The visit to Franciscan ended with a surprise visit from two gold medal winning women's soccer players who now play for the Boston Breakers.  The children of Franciscan, along with your Eagles, were very excited to meet these stars (Angela Hucles and Heather Mitts) and touch an Olympic Gold Medal!

The Day of Festivities ended with our annual team holiday party at Bowen's house.  With good food supplied from Blue Ribbon Barbecue, along with some great desserts, the team was 
well fed and enjoyed another evening together.  With the Christmas tree decorated and the Menorah lit, everyone was in the holiday spirit.  We also enjoyed the company of Judith, as she always brings a smile to our faces!  And, we had the pleasure of
two little elves celebrating with us: Addison & Bailey Kent, Jen's two youngest daughters.  Cannon kept them company as hugs and being entertained by her "big sisters."  

After our dinner, we all spoke of the things we were most grateful for during the past year, and there is no doubt everyone is very grateful for a wonderfully tight-knit team who believes in one another, cares about one another, and is led by a great group of seniors.  The evening ended with an exchange of small & fun gifts from one "Secret Snowflake" to another - laughter and happiness filled the room!
The 2009 team is clearly a special one, and we are all looking forward to the season the lies ahead! 


(see all pictures from the day under our picture section!)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner at the Conway's

Freshman, Katherine Caufield, gives us a synopsis of Sunday's Thanksgiving feast at the Conway's:

This past Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Conway kindly opened up their home to our team as we all enjoyed a great Thanksgiving dinner together before break. After a long “heavy week” with Chris, everyone was ready for the delicious meal that the Conway’s had prepared. The Eagles were in great company with both Judith and Larry, along with their parents joining us. As if we didn’t share enough laughs, the various photo shoots with Cat’s high-tech camera surely entertained us too. Unfortunately these photo's will not be posted on the blog due to the respective wishes of the models. (Lets just say they certainly gave Heidi Klum and Gisele a run for their money.) After everyone had eaten dinner, we were surprised with some amazing desserts, including Cat’s sister, Margaret’s, 17th Birthday cake! At the end of the evening, every Eagle was satisfied. The team would like to thank Cat and the Conway’s once again for welcoming us into their home for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, and we hope everybody enjoys the holiday!

THANK YOU AGAIN, CONWAY FAMILY! The 2009 BC Lacrosse team wishes you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 17, 2008

BC Lacrosse Gear!

Struggling to find that perfect gift for your loved one as the holiday season rapidly approaches? FEAR NOT BC FANS because Atlantic Sportswear has opened an online store for BOSTON COLLEGE LACROSSE GEAR! These gifts are great for the holidays, never go out of style AND you will envied by all, when you wear your BC LAX gear on the sidelines during our 2009 season!

Please follow ordering directions below for your order:

  1. Go to:;
  2. Click “S.O.S. PROGRAM” on the main page
  3. At top of page, click on the pull down where it says “teams” and choose “BostonCollege W. Lacrosse”
  4. Type in the password: EAGLES
  5. Choose the items you wish to purchase & add them to your shopping cart
  6. Follow online directions for checkout & be sure to choose your connection to the team on the pull-down menu when prompted
  7. All items will be shipped to Kevin O’Brien first and then he will ship them out to you…

All orders must be submitted by November 23rd to ensure delievery by December 8th. If you have further questions about your order, please contact Kevin O’Brien at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Our fall season has come to an end, but it was certainly a weekend to remember! Our bus pulled out at 5:00AM on Friday morning and headed south - destination: Washington, DC. A wonderful breakfast, a great tour of the Nation's Capital, an excellent dinner, and a challenging tournament all awaited your Eagles!


A sleepy group of Eagles was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Tinquist (parents of Rachel '09), as we disembarked from the bus and made our way into their home for quite a breakfast feast!

It was a much appreciated break along our 8 or so hour journey to DC. Bagels, eggs, name it, the Tinquists had it for us. There was no question everyone was well-fed upon our departure and very grateful for a chance to stretch their legs and fill their stomachs!

The Eagles continued on to Washington, DC arriving at famous Union Station around 3:15pm. Awaiting the team was "Duck Soup" - our chartered DC Duck Tour! It was a perfect way for the entire team to see the sights of the Nation's Capital: the Capitol building, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, the White House, and much more! It seemed the highlights of the tour included a variety of Eagles actually driving "Duck Soup" on the Potomac River, as well as sitting at the end of the runway at National Airport having major airlines come in for a landing...JUST above our heads! All-in-all it was an adventure enjoyed by everyone.

We were then welcomed into the Collins' home (Kate Collins '12) in Alexandria, VA. A huge dinner spread of great pre-game fuel awaited us, as well as some perfect Halloween party-favors! Many thank to Mr. & Mrs. Collins for opening their doors to a hungry crew and feeding us well for our tournament at Georgetown on Saturday - we all felt right at home!


After a long but fun trip down to the Nation's Capital, we awoke early again on Saturday and were well fed after Caroline and CJ bought out the grocery store across the street! With focus and excitement, the Eagles headed across the Potomac River to Georgetown to challenge Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, and James Madison throughout the day.
The day began against Georgetown, and although the Eagles got off to a slow start, they showed incredible determination and poise under pressure as they came back in the second half and proved to all they belong! It was a great start to the day. Then came Johns Hopkins, right on the heels of the Georgetown game. An energized Hopkins team truly challenged the Eagles, but everyone continued to fight and focus on the goals at hand. A much needed break before the James Madison game gave everyone a chance to breathe, re-fuel, and get ready to end the day strong. Although the Eagles had ups and downs against James Madison in the final game, the true realization from the day was that we are right there!

The talent, athleticism, and leadership the 2009 team possesses is something special, and it is something everyone plans to tap into in the coming months. There is no question we can and WILL compete at the highest level, as your Eagles are ready to go! All-in-all, Saturday was a successful day and enabled everyone to know exactly where we are headed and what we need to do to get there.

Upon completion of the tournament, the parents once again took good care of everyone with great food for all! However, the visit and relaxation was short-lived as a long bus ride back to Boston awaited the team. Under rainy skies but with plenty of food and drink aboard, the Eagles headed back to BC, making it home before midnight. It was a long, yet productive, 48 hours, and an excellent way to end the 2008 fall season.

There is no question the 2009 squad should feel proud of all that was accomplished this fall season, and there should be no doubt that we are in the right place heading into the season. A senior class determined to lead the team to new heights has kept everyone focused on the important goals at hand, and I am truly looking forward to all that lies ahead. Many thanks to all the parents for your support and help this fall, and CONGRATULATIONS to the 2009 team for all the steps taken in the right direction. Great things lie ahead!

- Bowen

Monday, October 20, 2008


Another weekend has passed, and it, too, was filled with celebration and excitement! The weekend kicked off with our annual banquet honoring last season and ended with a strong performance for the Eagles at the UNH Tournament.

2008 Banquet Celebration

On Friday evening, we honored the 2008 team and all its accomplishments at the Needham Sheraton in Needham, MA. We welcome back the Class of 2008, Shauna Culhane, Catharine Saylor & Courtney Zwirko, as well as the current team and virtually all of the parents! It was a great evening of dinner, honors, and looking toward the future.

Four annual team awards were also announced including: the Coaches' Award, the Baldwin Award, the Golden Eagle Award and the 2008 Scholar. The Coaches' Award was given to Jenna McCabe '09, the Baldwin Award was awarded to Catharine Saylor '08, the Golden Eagle Award was bestowed upon Lauren Fitzpatrick '09 & Jenna McCabe '09, and Emily Hannigan was named the 2008 Scholar.

We also took the opportunity to thank the Class of 2008 for their contributions to the program over the last four years. They graduate as the final class to compete in both the Big East Conference and the ACC, helping to guide BC into its conference transition and beat its first top-10 ranked opponent, North Carolina, last year! We are truly grateful to Shauna, Catharine, and Courtney for all they have done for Boston College Lacrosse!

UNH Tournament

After a day of rest on Saturday, and a great win by the BC Football Team over rival VA Tech, we headed up north to Durham, NH and took on the Wildcats of UNH, as well as the Minutemen of UMass. It was a cold start to the morning, but your Eagles came out ready to play. Sheila Serafino '11 played in the goal for the first half and was an absolute wall! With the help of a stingent BC defense, and great teamwork on the draw controls, the Eagles headed into halftime ahead and with a shutout! The second half was a little less BC-like, but the team still maintained the same level of intensity and made some necessary adjustments and improvements. We reached 2 of our 3 goals for the game, which was crucial, and we headed into our game with UMass knowing what changes we needed to make. All-in-all it was a good start to the day!

The scrimmage against UMass immediately followed, and once again, the Eagles came out ready to play. UMass is a tough and feisty team that played just that way all scrimmage long; however, we maintained our composure and took care of business. Smart plays were happening on both ends of the field from Peyton Killeen flip-passing balls to teammates for goals to Hannah Alley reading the defense well for a backdoor goal, to Kristin Igoe & Blair Clancy patiently riding an attacker all the way back to the 50 yard line on a double team...the team was focused and determined to leave their mark on the Minutemen! For the first time this fall, the Eagles put together two halves that we consistent and focused. It was a great stepping-stone as we head into our final week of fall practice and final tournament this coming weekend at Georgetown.

The Eagles all did an excellent job of executing on Sunday and achieveing the goals set forth by the senior class ahead of time. At the end of the day, all three goals were achieved and the 2009 team continues to make great strides in the right direction!

We are now in the final days of the fall season with only one practice remaining and a "Fun-Day-Thursday" where the Seniors take charge! Then, it is off to Georgetown to play Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, and James Madison on Saturday, October 25th.

Thanks to all who celebrated with us on Friday evening and who cheered us on in NH on Sunday! See you in the Nation's Capital!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The Eagles made their fall debut last weekend kicking off the fall season with an Alumnae Game and reception on Saturday and a big tournament at Harvard on Sunday!

Alumnae Game & Reception

We welcomed back nine Alumnae from 1985-2008! Noreen Craine '85, Christy Plotner '99, Jaime Baldante McCarthy '00, Honor Crowther Fagan '01, Brooke Wilson '06, Brennan Joyce '07, Elizabeth Kadison '06 (G '07), Shauna Culhane '08, and Courtney Zwirko '08 were all in attendence. We mixed the teams and played two halves of GREAT lacrosse! Highlights included seeing Courtney Zwirko play the field after four years of protecting the goal, Elizabeth Kadison doing her signature crease rolls, and Brennan Joyce continually keeping all of us in hysterics. Additionally, it was great to have Judith Theriault, our Friends of Jaclyn honorary teammate, cheering us on and taking the draw at various points throughout the game!

A HUGE thank you goes to Jaime McCarthy for all of her hard work in pulling together this alumnae which we hope is the first of many more to come! Both Honor Fagan and Noreen Craine brought their children with them which was an added bonus for all of us - making it a family affair!

After the game, the 2009 team, along with some parents and the alumnae, joined together for a gathering at Union St in Newton Centre. It was great having everyone in one place and was a chance for many to reconnect. Hopefully these games and gatherings will become larger and larger with each passing year.

You can find pictures from the day in the picture section of the blog!

THANKS TO ALL THE ALUMNAE for joining us on Saturday!

Tournament at Harvard
The 2009 squad then kicked off its fall competition at Harvard on Sunday, competing against the Canadian National Team, Stanford, Boston University, and Albany. Many parents were there to cheer us on as usual...and keep us well fed! The Eagles kept focused throughout the long day, and made important strides from game to game. Each team was strong competition for BC and gave all of us a good sense of where we stand at this point in the fall season. The seniors, Lauren Fitzpatrick, Emily Hannigan, Maura Mahoney, Jenna McCabe, Katie Monaghan, Margot Spatola, and Rachel Tinquist, did an exceptional job of keeping the entire team focused on the day's goals and setting the standard for hustle all over the field. There is no doubt we are off to a great start for 2009, and everyone is looking forward to the next tournament at UNH on October 19th. We hope to see you there!

Keep up the great work, Eagles!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beanpot Schedule

Hello Eagle fans! Below is the schedule of play for our tournament at Harvard on October 5th.

9:10-10:10am BC v Canada
11:30-12:30 BC v Stanford
1:50-2:50 BC v BU
3:00-3:30 BC v Albany

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, September 22, 2008


BC lacrosse fans,

Each week, the BC lacrosse staff will announce the Eagle of the Week. The player who wins this honor exemplifies great work ethic, coachability, a positive attitude and dedication! Moreover, the player who wins this award, helps her team in the race for the Eagle Cup. After a full week of practice, the FIRST Eagle of the Week has been announced.

Check out who won the award this week (and for the weeks to come) by clicking the "Eagle of the Week" link, which is under Eagle's nest to the right.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flutie 5K for Autism

This past Sunday, the team participated in the Flutie 5k road race, which raised over $40,000! Doug Flutie, a legend at Boston College and former Heisman trophey winner, is the founder of the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation, which promotes awareness and supports families affected by autism. Doug's son, Dougie Jr. was stricken with CCD (Childhood Disintergrative Disorder) and is only capable of speaking single words.

We braved the rainy weather and completed the race! One of the major highlights was having the pleasure of meeting, hanging out with AND getting Doug Flutie's autograph. He really was so grateful to see the whole BC Lacrosse team out there supporting the cause. I think we might have a new fan this coming season!

Check out the picture from the event under our picture link!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

2008 Fall Schedule

HELLO BC lacrosse fans! Below is the Eagles 2008 fall schedule. We hope to see you this fall cheering us on.

October 4th – Alumnae Game @ Newton Campus (12:30 pm)

October 5th – Beanpot tournament @ Harvard (schedule is still tentative)

October 19th
– UNH tournament @ UNH (10 am & 11:15 am)

October 25th – Georgetown tournament @ Georgetown (9 am, 9:50 am & 12:20 pm)


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Senior Class Perspective

The BC staff has decided to conduct the first interview with the entire senior class due to having such a strong and distinctive group of 8 women. We will be conducting player profiles throughout the year to let BC friends and fans get to know the team even better!

Here's to the class of 2009...

BC LAX: What is you favorite thing about BC?

SENIOR: My favorite thing about BC is the atmosphere especially at fall football games. The people that go to BC are just like you. It is a great school in every aspect. I love the sports and everything that goes along with it.

BC LAX: What is the best thing about being part of the BC lax program?

SENIOR: The closeness that we all have with each other and our families. We support each other
every day, good or bad, because we feel the same pain and joy as the others.

BC LAX: What has been your favorite BC lacrosse memory so far?

SENIOR: Beating UNC! Winning the Beanpot! Spring break in California!

BC LAX: Best advise you ever received?

SENIOR: Be you. Don't quit at anything. Never, ever give up.
Not breaking when you are broken.

BC LAX: What is your favorite thing about the team?

SENIOR: LOYALTY AND RESPECT. The way we can be enjoying ourselves and laughing so hard, but still working hard at the same time.

BC LAX: What are you looking forward to most this season?

SENIOR: Leaving a legacy behind that my best friends and I are starting.
A legacy never graduates!

BC LAX: What does BC Lacrosse mean to you?

SENIOR: It means having faith in your teammates.

BC LAX: Why does being legendary define BC lax?

SENIOR: This year our senior class wants to leave more than a mark. We want to be legendary and make this year start the legacy of BC LAX.

Monday, September 8, 2008


The race has begun for the first "EAGLE CUP" competition. Similar to years past, the coaches have split the team into two separate teams (Maroon and Gold). However, this year we will be awarding points in many different areas (academics, practice, team activites etc). This year has already shaped up to be very competitive.

The first points were awarded this past Friday at Bowen's house, where we held our first team dinner and COLOR WAR! Each team had to come dressed head to toe in their team colors and they did NOT disappoint. A total of 5 points were awarded to the team with the most color and spirit. After much scrutinizing and deliberating - the coaches made the decision to award the points to the MAROON team.

BUT WAIT....there were still 5 more points to be won!

CJ, Caroline and Bowen complied a list of trivia questions. This game was so competitive, that some might say that this was the closest game in the history of trivia games. CJ & Caroline were almost forced to come up with a random question on the spot....HOWEVER, the GOLD team took the final point. CJ & Caroline were thrilled they didn't have to perform under pressure and come up with another question.


BUT WAIT....there was STILL 1 more point to be won!

Each team had to line up oldest to youngest WITHOUT opening their mouths. Although this was challenging and VERY competitive for the was incredibly entertaining for the coaching staff.

The GOLD team took the final point of the night and now leads the "EAGLE CUP" competition with a score of 6 - 5.

We are so thrilled to have a very special guest for our first team dinner. Judith, our adopted team member, joined us. The girls were so excited to see her and have her partake in the team dinner.

Please check out the pictures on the pictures link of our team dinner.

The teams have now been handed the task to make team flags, which they will unveil on Monday. The race has begun....who will take the first EVER "EAGLE CUP"??

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eagle Parent Perspective

From Karen DeBlois (mother of Katie, BC Lax '09)

Welcome to BC Lacrosse:

It seems like just a few months ago, not three years, that Tim and I were getting ready to take our youngest child, our daughter Katie, off to BC. We had been through this before with our sons Tim (Cornell '04, lacrosse) and Michael (Nazareth '06, basketball and golf) but taking our baby girl (please don't tell Katie I referred to her like that!) and dropping her off 5 hours from home was daunting. We stayed the night before move-in day with my brother and his family in Wrentham, 45 minutes from BC, and got up at the crack of dawn to head to campus thinking we'd be the only ones there but when we got close to Upper Campus, the roads were already full of over-packed vans and U-Hauls ( see "Things I wish I knew......, following). Before we knew it we were headed home with an empty van and no Katie. Our son Mikey started calling my cell before we even got on the Turnpike and called a few more times before we left Massachusetts. The calls were short with questions about the weather and when we'd get home but it wasn't until about the 4th call that I realized he was worried about me and how I'd feel leaving Katie behind. My macho 6 foot 4 inch son was worried about his old mom.......not that he'd ever put it that way.

Well, that was just the beginning of the wonderful adventure that is BC and BC lacrosse. We have had more fun than we ever expected and met people we hope to have as life-long friends. The BC laxers are and have been a wonderful group of girls. They certainly have had their share of ups and downs on the lax field but the way they work so hard and take care of and support each other on and off the field is amazing. They are a tight-knit group who love to laugh and love to have a good time. As the saying goes "apples don't fall too far from the tree" so you will find the lax parents to be a great group also. There's always a crowd of parents and other assorted relatives at the games, whether it's a freezing cold mid-week game or a game in sunny California. Tim and I usually show up an hour or two before game time to get the grill fired up and get those "cold drinks" iced down. It's a nice time to catch up with the parents and relax. After the games we normally have a full-out tailgate for the team, coaches, family and friends....all are welcome. There is usually enough food for an army even after the hungry girls have had their fill. There will be e-mails flying, or maybe we'll just use this blog, to give everyone a chance to help out with the tailgates. If it's not convenient for you to bring things for the tailgate (long distance, arriving by air, whatever), I keep a little fund of donations and purchase or order whatever we need.

Tim and I will be hitting the road next weekend to move Katie in to her Mod. We are looking forward to meeting all the freshman parents. I will be doing rosters and buttons for the parents and should have them available for the first game this Fall. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please give me a call at 315-730-0915 or e-mail at

Things I wish I knew before moving my daughter in to Upper Campus at BC:
Parking is severely limited on the Upper Campus.
You may be able to get there hours or even a day earlier than they tell you and get moved in before the crowd hits.
If you arrive at the busy time (daylight), you will have to wait in the crowded streets surrounding Upper until a spot opens up for you to park.
When you get a parking spot you are allowed about 20 minutes to unload. It's helpful if someone is along to sit in the car and watch the stuff at the curb while others bring things up to the dorm room.
There is usually volunteers to help carry things in.
If you plan to help your daughter get settled in/unpack/decorate, someone will have to go park your vehicle somewhere away from Upper (the Beacon Street garage is usually available) and walk back.
There will be many helpful, watchful BC security people directing you where to park but their job is to keep things moving by enforcing the 20-minute rule.
Pack some water and snacks, it can be a long day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sweeeeeet Carolines

Caroline McGuire & Caroline Yanofsky (aka CJ - for your convenience) are so thrilled to be part of the Boston College Lacrosse staff. Below is some background about us!

Caroline McGuire:

Caroline comes to Boston College after serving as the assistant lacrosse coach at Davidson College where the 2008 squat enjoyed a successful 11-5 record. Before Davidson McGuire was the director and assistant coach for the NewLax Lacrosse Club in Darien, CT. After a year of working at the high school level, Caroline decided to join the corporate world in good 'ole NYC, where she was a sales planner for Metro Networks/Westwood One. She quickly realized she missed lacrosse and knew she needed to get back into coaching. That's when she made the move down south to Charlotte, NC to help guide the Wildcats in 2008.

A native of Darien, CT, McGuire attended the University of Richmond where she led the Spiders to Atlantic 10 conference titles in 2005 and 2006, while also appearing in the NCAA tournament both seasons. After leading her squad to a win in the Atlantic 10 Championship, McGuire was featured in May 2006 Sports Illustrated "Faces in the Crowd". Elected a captain during her senior season, McGuire was named A-10 Offensive Player of the Year in 2006 and was named an IWLCA/US All-American. She was also awarded Most Outstanding Player of the A-10 Tournament in 2006 & 2005.

Caroline's fast facts....

Favorite Musician: U2/BRUCE
Favorite Song: Anything 80's
Best Lax Moment: Beating UVA my senior year/ Beating Temple in A10s with 19 seconds!
Favorite Sports Team: NY Giants (sorry all you Beantown fans)
The McGuire fam: Two older sisters (Michaela 31 & Kate 29) who live in NYC. Parents Mary Ellen (old) & Mac (older) who live in Rowayton, CT with their fourth child Jack (our yellow lab who is 12). Both are Boston College Alums who will probably be at every BC game - decked out in their VERY old school Boston College attire.

CJ Yanofsky:

CJ joins the BC staff this season after graduating this past spring from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. CJ was a four year varsity letter winner and was named captain her senior year. CJ broke the school record for assists and led the Bantams in points for three years. She was named to the 2007 and 2008 All-New England Small College Athletic Conference First Team and the IWLCA/US Lacrosse All-American Team. She was selected to the IWLCA/US Division III All-Berkshire Regional First Team, the Division III All-American Team and was named to the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Division III All-New England First Team.

Yanofsky, a three-time, all-regional and two-time, All-NESCAC and All-American honoree, will be a great asset to Boston College with her extensive attack knowledge.  Yanofsky, the recipient of Trinity's Robin L. Sheppard award, for outstanding ability on the field and exceptional dedication and loyalty to the game of lacrosse, is an alumna of The Rivers School, in Weston, MA.   Yanofsky graduated from Trinity with Faculty Honors with a degree in Sociology and Visual Studies.

CJ's fast facts....

Favorite Musician: James Taylor and Billy Joel
Favorite Song: Anything Country!
Best Lax Moment: Scoring the winning goal in sudden death beating Amherst to move onto the NESCAC Championship game. Also, making it to the NCAA tournament junior and senior year!
Favorite Sports Team: SOXPATSCELTS!
The Yanofsky fam: Two siblings (Samantha 24 & David 21). Samantha lives in Los Angeles and David is a senior at WashU in St. Louis. Parents Susan (old) & Richard (older) live in Needham, MA. Both parents were born and raised in Newton, MA.