Monday, January 18, 2010


Three BC Eagles had a tropical holiday break in the Caymen Islands...but not without lacrosse sticks in hand! Not only did Junior Jill Amo and Sophomores Katherine Caufield and Liz Donovan work on their tans over break, but they also showed off their lax skills for all to see in the hotel courtyard.
There is no doubt that all the hard work that the Eagles have done over winter break will pay off for the 2010 season!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Three of our Eagles left yesterday morning with 19 other BC student-athletes for an experience of a lifetime!

Lauren Costello '10, Sheila Serafino '11 and Mary Stinson '10 are taking part in a service trip organized by student-athletes at Boston College. They are lending a helping hand to Katrina victims in New Orleans. To read more about their adventure, click here

We are so proud of them for taking on this challenge, for helping those in need, and for being such great representatives of our University, athletic department, and our lacrosse program. Keep your eyes on our blog, as they will write about their adventures when they return!