Thursday, February 26, 2009


The Eagles completed their upstate New York swing last weekend, knocking off Canisius (18-13) and Niagara (20-1).  It was a great weekend and an excellent way to start the 2009 campaign!  Everyone had the opportunity to play, several freshmen earned their first career goals, and we played in our first snowstorm!  With 7 hours on the bus (both ways!), we also enjoyed plenty of laughs, food, and movies, of course!  There is no doubt the 2009 team is off to a great start, as many exciting things were seen on the field over the weekend.  A lot of tough competition still lies ahead, but the entire team and coaching staff are looking forward most to the next opponent - Lehigh - on Sunday in Florida! Everyone is ready to take another step forward and make necessary improvements as we continue to get better each and every day.

We hope all of you will continue to cheer us on from near and far, and we certainly hope there will be a sideline filled with cheering fans at our first home game on March 11th - we will be celebrating the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation and honoring our special teammate, Judith Theriault!

Thank you for all of your support!  GO EAGLES!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Senior Q&A with Bowen

As the seniors wrap up their final pre-season at BC, it was only fitting for them to grill Bowen on some questions that they have been longing to know......

Who is your favorite player on the BC lacrosse team? OR Would you rather go back to college and win a national championship or win an Olympic Gold Medal in the sport of your choice? - Emily Hannigan

There are 26 answers to that first question!

Hmm…that second question is tough. If I was guaranteed to have the same college experience, with the same teammates and coach, and the only difference was the outcome of our sudden-death overtime loss to Maryland in the National Championship, then I would say go back to college and WIN! However, if none of that was the same, I wouldn’t want to change the experience I had so I would go for GOLD…in skiing!

Is there any meaning behind the name McClaine for your second daughter? – Lauren Fitzpatrick
Yes! McClaine is Charlie’s mother’s maiden name. And, Ellen, her middle name, was my grandmother’s name – she was a 2nd mother to me as I grew up right next door to her. So, now both of our daughters have the maiden names of our mothers. What do we do for #3?!

What has been your favorite moment with the BC lacrosse team off the field? – Margot Spatola

Another tough one…so many to choose from. The final “practice” of each fall season is always fun when the seniors get to plan it, and this year in particularly was great! The seniors deciding to have everyone tie-dye shirts on which they had written nicknames for everyone was a blast and a great idea! Halloween is always great, too, as the true characters on the team really shine through in costume and bring laughter for all of us to share! On a more personal level, the times I see my two daughters with the team – at dinners, in airports, on bus rides…anywhere – is always a very special moment. It is a true gift to raise my children with such wonderful role models around them every day!

If you were a Disney princess who would it be and why? – Maura Mahoney

Seeing as we don’t allow the word “princess” to be spoken in our house, it is hard to answer this question!! I don’t even know who there is to choose from, but I am sure you, Maura, as our wonderful “Disney tourist” could choose one best suited for me!

If you had one magical power what would it be? or if you could read one book/eat one thing the rest of your life, what would it be? – Rachel Tinquist

If I had one magical power, it would be to end hatred in the world. Too much war and too much hatred has been around far too long…it would be wonderful (a dream, I know) if everyone could simply talk through their differences and disagreements instead of losing lives.

Too many books to choose from, but if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, I would have to say chocolate ice cream!

If there was a movie made of you life, what actress would play you and why? Who would play Charlie and why? – Katie DeBlois

Yikes, you guys are challenging me with these questions. One insight into my life is these are hard questions because I don’t spend much time following the Hollywood world! If you know an actress who has known from when she was very little that she wanted nothing more than to have children of her own, play sports at the highest possible level, and who believes there is nothing more important than one’s family…that would be the actress who plays me! Charlie? Well…after all, the actor would have to be tall, dark, and handsome, of course! Calm, cool and collected would pretty much complete the picture!

What is your favorite food?? And what are you looking forward to most this season? – Jenna McCabe

Ice cream! But, I try not to eat too much of it…a special treat! As for “real food”, I would say my favorite meat is lamb.

There is SO much to look forward to this season, but I think I am most excited about seeing the hard work of building over the last three years come together on the field in 2009. The leadership you eight seniors bring, along with the incredible camaraderie this team has, will undoubtedly lead to success. I am so proud of how hard this group has worked through the fall and in the preseason, and how committed the eight of you have been since day one (almost) four years ago…I truly believe it will show this season and can’t wait!

What's your favorite kind of music to listen too? and/ or what has been your favorite concert you have been too? – Katie Monaghan

I like mellow music and country…my favorite concert I have ever been to was Jimmy Buffet – I was obsessed with him when I was younger and still enjoy listening to him now.